Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Four Words

Over 20 years ago, I read Natalie Goldberg's, Writing Down the Bones, and I've read every book she has written over the years. Her books on writing are both great for "practice" as well as for inspiration.

I'm currently rereading Goldberg's Old Friend from Far Away: The Practice of Writing Memoir. One brief chapter offers what I consider her best advice for any writer:

"I could tell you in four words what to do and it will hold you for your writing life. Do you want to know those four? Shut Up and Write."

It doesn't get any clearer than that. Of course, Natalie recommends that writers also take some "dreaming out the window" time and some time for a "noodle walk" between sessions to make space for intuition to enrich one's writing.

So, no more "writer blocks" and much less lollygagging: Shut Up and Write.



Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"Listening for the Story"

Yesterday I started reading Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot's book, The Third Chapter. In her introduction, the author shares her process for interviewing people for the book. She notes that she employed Eudora Welty's approach of "listening for the story": for its shape, intensity, rhythm, and texture; for its substance and content; for its metaphors and symbolism, for the light and shadows."

I loved how Lawrence-Lightfoot described her many roles: "I was the discerning connoisseur, developing a taste for the shape of their sentences, the cadence of their language, the arc of their stories. I was the artist, painting the landscape, drawing their portraits, sketching in the light and shadows. I was the spider woman, weaving together their life remnants, unsnarling the tangled threads of their stories, casting a net to catch them if they should fall. I was the probing researcher, patiently gathering data, asking the impertinent questions, examining their interpretations with skepticism and deliberation."

The author goes on to say that she "felt deeply engaged in new learning" while hearing the narratives of her interviewees, "echoing and reflecting the curiosity, vulnerability, risk-taking, and passion of their journeys in my own. I looked into their eyes and saw my reflection, the refracted images of my face in the mirror: a sixty-two-year-old woman with 'confessional moments' of my own."

I've conducted hundreds of interviews over the years and have often felt that I was "facing a mirror" as I heard people's stories. But I've never read such a beautiful description of the process. Thank you, Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot!



Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Defining the difference in genre (Melissa Hart)

One of the writer's blogs I read is Melissa Hart's "Butt to Chair." Her recent post titled "What's My Genre" takes on a workshop student's question:

“How can you tell the difference between an article, an essay, and a short story?”

I enjoyed Ms. Hart's response. And picked a few blackberries hanging over my fence!

